Worship music and games at Our Saviour's
Where: 30370 County 24 Blvd
Cannon Falls
When: Feb 22 from 7pm-midnight
Who: grades 6-12
Register by Feb 19
Be sure to invite a couple of friends. It's going to be a good time!
Parent/guardian information
I give my consent in advance to the leaders of Our Saviour's Evangelical Lutheran Church and to the physicians/hospital selected by them to render emergency treatment or transportation as in their judgement is reasonably necessary for my dependent listed above. I understand that the leader of this activity will attempt to contact me before securing medical treatment, but that this consent is given to and from church sponsored events in private vehicles. I specially release the leadership of this activity and member of Our Saviour's Evangelical Lutheran Church from any and all claims, loss, cost, damage or expense arising out of or from any accident or other occurrences causing injury to any person or property.